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Free php Scripts

Complete Gallery
Hit Counter

Haqbahu Hit Counter:

Shows the total hits on your web Free and easy to install

hit counter

Free Download


  1. Unzip “” in your PC/Computer
  2. Make directory “haqbahuHitCounter” in your web root directory and upload all files of HAQBAHU Hit Counter in it
  3. Create Database and database username, password with your web cpanel
  4. If you don't know how to Create Database and database username, password with your web cpanel Click Here to know How you can create it
  5. Edit config.php file and add database name, database username and password in it
  6. Run install.php file in your browser like:


I. The easiest way is to copy and paste the contents of HitCounter.php into any page of your site that has a .php file extension. But before adding it you must copy config.php file all contents and past it in HitCounter.php file in place of “include ('config.php');” except “<? ?>”.

II. *Alternative method* - You can also upload the HAQBAHU Hit Counter and include it in any page using:

<? include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/haqbahuHitCounter/HitCounter.php'); ?>

Most Users Online

Haqbahu Users / users online, most users online:

Shows the Users online, total Users online and Most users online on your web Free and easy to install

users online, most users online

Free Download


  1. Unzip “” in your PC/Computer
  2. Make directory “haqbahuMostOnline” in your web root directory and upload all files of Haqbahu Most Online in it
  3. Create Database and database username, password with your web cpanel
  4. If you don't know how to Create Database and database username, password with your web cpanel Click Here to know How you can create it
  5. Edit config.php file and add database name, database username and password in it
  6. Run install.php file in your browser like:


I. The easiest way is to copy and paste the contents of MostOnline.php or MostOnlineStyleNo2.php into any page of your site that has a .php file extension. But before adding it you must copy config.php file all contents except first <? and last ?> line and past it in MostOnline.php & MostOnlineStyleNo2.php file in place of “include ('config.php');” Line in these files

II. *Alternative method* - You can also upload the Haqbahu Most Online and include it in any page using:

<? include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/haqbahuMostOnline/MostOnline.php'); ?>
<? include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/haqbahuMostOnline/MostOnlineStyleNo2.php'); ?>


Referrers Tracker and Link Exchanger Free Script:

Features and Installation

referrers tracker traffic analyze link exchange

Free Download


Referrers Tracker
• It track referrers to your site (from which web visitor come to your website)
• How many times
• It display number of hits from referrer web to your web
• It also display number of hits from your web to referrer web

Link exchanger
• You can use this script as link exchanger
• You can display links of other web who display your web link in their web
• This script can show your approved links of other web in your web page
• It can also show all links with auto approval
• You can set, after how many clicks from other web it display that web link in your web page

Display links in other than php web pages
• You can add links in html, htm and other web page including php

1. Unzip in your computer / laptop
2. Access your web hosting files with FTP or file manger
3. Create referrers folder under your web public_html folder (files need to be transfer in /public_html/referrers/)
4. Transfer all files of referrers folder of your computer / laptop folder in created web new referrers folder (transfer files not referrers directory)
5. Create new
a. database
b. database user
c. password
d. (if you don’t understand how create database, database user name, password learn from this link
6. Access fallow instructions and install you can also access install with (you must replace your own domain in place of to access installations)

How use it
Add this code

<?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/referrers /log.php'); ?>

in any your web php page to track referrer, it will only track that page which has this code, add in page top first line
(Don’t add this code in that web page which shows referrers web links)

See (you must replace your own domain in place of to access THIS PAGE)

To show referrers approved web links
Add this code in any your web php page

<?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/referrers /approved-referrers.php'); ?>

To show random referrers approved web links
Add this code in any your web php page

<?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/referrers / approved-random-referrers.php');

To show all referrers web links with out approval
Add this code in any your web php page

<?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/referrers / all-referrers.php'); ?>

To show referrers approved web links in html page
If you want to show approved referrers web links in html page instead of php page add this code in your any web page

<object width="300" height="300” type="text/plain" data="/referrers/referrers.html" border="0" > </object>


<iframe src="/referrers/referrers.html" frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>

(Change width="100%" height="100%” as per your need)

For Help and support please visit,33.0.html

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