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Risala roohi sharif Urdu translation and exegesis with Persian text survey help of our great learner & Islamic poet Sultan ul Ashigeen. It is design on 31st by the help of the sheik of Qadri sarwari order. The book is concerned with the faqr projections and terminologies directed to Islamic society.

Risala roohi sharif also includes the details of different Islamic concepts related to its history.

This book is to find out the lost soul and hearts that are dominated and finding a way to go. It has spiritual & excessive guidance about Islamic literature. Risala roohi sharif writes down to cure the indications of a lost soul that is seeking Islamic culture in its real life. It is the most famous and knowledge wisdom contaminated Islamic book that is almost published in many native languages for different niche understandings. Sultan bahoo is an Islamic scholar and he writes number of books in the service of mankind. Risala roohi sharif included in the most generic and full of knowledge books related with the Islamic civilization concepts of Hazrat bahu. Bahoo is a famous Sufi & a great leader in order of Islamic culture.

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In the 17-century sultan bahu writes down 140 books with the Persian text from which 40 are present till now in different concepts and aspects. Those are all originated for and from Islamic history & knowledge of perfection to implement it on better half-lives. One of the best books gained by the sultan bahu collection is risala roohi sharif Urdu pdf and risala roohi sharif English pdf. Risala roohi sharif is also named as the souls of book organized from sultan bahoo. According to the compilation bahoo texted the book in language of Persia and translated later in many native languages. This book provides the main concept of Islamic living & publications in words.

Risala Roohi Sharif is world's most representative authority based on religion in any aspect of Islam. Risala roohi sharif is written to pretend the lost soul into the white world and gives authority to congest with Allah Almighty world. Sultan bahu has its first book risala roohi sharif that is discussed as the Wazeefa of Islamic history in real for different aspects of life.

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