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abyat e bahu شہنشاہ دوجہان  محبوب رب العالمین  احمد مجتبی  نوراللہ  محمد مصطفی  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  کے نام     سروری قادری سلسلہ محبوب سبحانی حضور غوث اعظم حضرت شیخ سید عبدالقادر جیلانی قدس سرہ العزیز کا اصل سلسلہ طریقت ہے
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Marfat Library Haqbahu Books (R)

Rasala Rohi Sheriff

Rasala Rohi Sheriff. (rrs)
رساله روحي شريف 
Roman  English  Persian  Urdu

Description: If a Waali e Waasil Bi Allah has fallen from his place [and Martaba] due to the Rig’at of the realm of spiritualism or of the realm of witnessing the Evident, he, if grasps the Waseela of this sacred book, it will do for him the job of a Murshid e Kaamil (Perfect Guide). If he did not grasp the Waseela, he should swear upon; and if We do not take him to the [desired] Destination [that is, if We do not take him to God], then We swear upon. And if the Seeker of the Tareeq of the Salook grasps this book and holds it firmly, then [just because] of his this holding, I will [definitely] make him the Living Hearted and the Roshan Zamir Arif!
Book No: 01. Size: 0.30 MB. Pages: 9.

Noor-ul-Huda Qalan

Noor ul Huda Qalan (nhq)
نورالهدي  کلان
English Persian Urdu

Description: 1.That person, who will study this book with sincerity and genuineness, he will not be left with any need for the Bai’at (Initiation) on the hand of a physically existing Murshid and Pir and his Talqeen. He will get the entire worldly and religious Maratib through this book. 2.Every that person, who will keep this book under study day and night with genuineness, Yaqeen and conviction, he will become knowledgeable of the Mysteries of Lord. He will not be left with need of the Taleem (Teaching) and Talqeen of physically existing Murshid. This book is the Waseela for reaching the Ma’rifat of Haq and is the granter of the honor of Hazoori and Waseela for reaching the Majlis of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam. Its reader becomes the guide of the creation and becomes the one with Pure Inward but the Seeker, studying the book, must be truthfully attached, bashful and the one with deference. English Persian Urdu
Book No: 03 13.4 MB. Pages:  281


Mahabbat ul Asrar (ma)
محبت الاسرار
English Persian Urdu

Description: 1.With the study of this Risala (treatise, booklet) is awarded the immersion of Tauhid/Monotheism in a flash and meeting of the Majlis/congregational Court of Hazarat Muhammad (Sa Allah Hu Alihi Wa Alihi Wasilim) that is an unlimited Ghinayat/freedom from want 2.With the study of this Risala (Treatise). is attained: the Istaghraaq (Absorption) of Tauheed within twinkling of an eye and Meeting of the Majlis of Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam which is the infinite Ghinayat.
Book No: 04 2.66 MB. Pages:  53

Taig Brahna

Taig Brahna (tb)
تيغ برهنه    
English Persian Urdu

Description: Although the discussions in this Book pages is a fraction in aspect of reading [but in fact it] is a complete touchstone for the Aalim Bi Allah Almighty and the Faqeer Wali/ friend of Allah because in this part are recorded the outwardly treasures of Allah Almighty and all the hidden buried clandestine of the Marifat/cognition of Hazoori/one’s presence at an intangible station of the inner self or in an unseen gathering through dream or maraqiba because these accounts of common and proper are the key to break the Talisman of the body with the profitable efficacy/effectiveness of the Hikmat/sagacity of the Name of Allah the Essence. The Murshid/mentor/master Arif/Gnostic Bi/with Allah Faqeer after solving crux of the Name through Visualization and Tassaruf/seizure and occupancy transcends [the Seeker] to Fi Allah/in Allah that is the Musamma.
Book No: 05 1.27 MB. Pages:  30

Didar Buksh Khurd

Didar Buksh Khurd (dbk)
د يدار بخش خورد    
English Persian Urdu

Description: Knowledge of this Book Tassawuf/mysticism/Sufism with which the Taufiq/ability and inclination and success is obtained through the Visualization (the Name of Allah the Essence). Through this Salk/spiritual conduct Salook/to walk on spiritual pathway to God is certainly obtained the Tassaruf/seizure and occupancy over the treasures of Allah Almighty. With this special way of the Tareeqat/practicing religion in inner self/inward of the Hazoori/one’s presence at an intangible station of the inner self or in an unseen gathering through dream or maraqiba of the knowledge the Marifat/cognition one after getting the light of right guidance and is honored with Liqa/meeting. Through this way the Nafs becomes Fana/obliteration, the Qalb/central heart becomes purified and the Ruh/spirit gets Baqa/revitalization. [The Seeker] becomes sharer of the mysteries of seeing the Sight of Allah. 
Book No: 06 1.48 MB. Pages:  29

Majalsa-tul-Nabi (p)

Majalsatul Nabi (p) (mn)
مجالسة النبي صل و سلم    
English Persian Urdu

Description: Lo! That the person who uses to read this book completely, the infinite Mysteries of the Mushahida of the Ma’rifat will perfectly (turn) face towards him, and further that, the person who will use to study this book regularly day and night, he will left with no want of any Outwardly (existing) Murshid. He, who studies the books and corpus of the Master of Taseer (Effectiveness), he becomes Roshan Zamir (with enlightened Conscience) and through the Tawajuh of Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam in the Inward, he, undoubtedly, becomes the Favorite and receives the Taleem (Teaching) and Talqeen from Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam and gets Initiation on his blessed hand after reaching the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam. And when he has received the Taleem (Teaching) and Talqeen from Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam, he becomes the Master of Kashf of Asrar.
Book No: 07 0.92 MB. Pages:  32

Orung Shahi

Orung Shahi (os)
اورنگ شآهي    
English Persian Urdu

Description: Therefore, anyone who will study this book with due sincerity, he will not left with need for an outwardly/physically existing Murshid/mentor/master, because through its study the knowledge of Loh e Mahfooz/the preserved Scriptum is revealed forever and wherever desires, can provide Taufiq/ability and inclination and success to his sight through this fortune. This treatise is Qutub ul Moazzam Muimma Ba Ism Musamma/a sanctified pole of the crux with the name Fi Allah is, a criterion for the Aalim/erudite and the It’s every page is Akseer/Elixir and treasure of munificence, And each line is hiding in itself the secret of the Noor/holy light of Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam , It’s every page guides towards Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam , Study the creation of Allah Almighty through the knowledge of Allah Almighty.
Book No: 08 1.20 MB. Pages:  25

Ganjul Asrar

Ganjul Asrar (ga)
گنج الاسرار
English Persian Urdu

Description: After this, [this] humble writer - servant Qadiri - Arif-Bi-Allah - ready to sacrifice his life on people - Waasil with God - states a few sentences from the way of the service to Hazrat Shah Muheyyudin (Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jelaani May Allah sanctify his Secret) that: for: bringing the Nafs in control, restraining it from the devilish sins and evil deeds, giving up the ravenousness and desire, choosing Tawakul after breaking ties with this mortal world, discovering the Marifat, for gaining Ilm about the entirety (perfection) of Faqar of Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destruction in Allah) and the awareness of every Destination and the entire Stations and for covering the beginning and the end [of Faqar], this book has been composed in the form of a Risala (treatise) that has given the name Ganj ul Asraar (Treasury of Mysteries).
Book No: 09 1.31 MB. Pages:  31

Noorulhuda Khurd

NoorulHuda Khurd (nhk)
نورالهدي خورد
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: Every book is a Nukta of the Noor ul Huda [book], Each word of this book is a Secret of the Secrets of God, Always keep this book under study day and night, You will become Arif-Bi-Allah and fully Waasil-Bi-Allah (with its Auspiciousness), You be certain of that which I am saying to you, You exercise the Visualization of Name Allah and see it as is seen with open eyes, Five Chapters of this book are [as if are] Five Treasuries, Anyone who will study it he will soon become Waasil-Bi-Allah. This book is a Touchstone of the Ahl e Taufeeq, the Aalim who are the companions of Haq, the Faqeers, the Dervish and the Shaikhs. In this book, a detailed description of the condition of each of the Naqis (Imperfect) Pir and Perfect Pir and mature Mureed and immature Mureed will be described.
Book No: 10 1.52 MB. Pages:  61

Qalide Tohid

Qalide Tohid (kt)
کليد التوحيد
English Persian Urdu

Description: And whosoever will keep it in his study day and night, nothing will remain hidden for him and he will not left with any dependency on any other [with the permission of Lord] and if an indigent will read it, he will become Ghani/rich and if a disheveled and perplexed person will read it, he will find perpetual Jamiyat/integrity of mind and if a Naqis/Imperfect person will read it, he will become Perfect! He will not be left with any need to take outwardly/physically Bai’at (initiation on the hands of a Spiritual Guide) because through the study of this book, he will he will recognize and know the Salk/spiritual conduct and Salook/to walk on spiritual pathway to God of the Faqar ( ) in both the outer self and the inner self/inward. This book is useful to both the tyro and the master. And if a Jaahil/lacking knowledge will read it, he will become an advanced learned Master of the Tafseer/interpretation. 
Book No: 11 2.14 MB. Pages:  38

Muhakumul Faqar

Muhakumul Faqar (mhf) 
محکم الفقر
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: That person to whom guidance cannot not be given by his Murshid, for him, this book is sufficient for his guidance to God. Always keep this [book] in your study day and night; you will get perfection in Faqar after becoming the Arif-Bi-Allah.
Book No: 12 2.28 MB. Pages:  50

Dedar Baksh Qalan

Dedar Baksh Qalan (dbq)
ديدار بخش کلان
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: The honor of the Didaar is availed through the Name of the overlord of the cosmos - Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihee Wassallam, Hazrat Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihee Wassallam shows the Sight of Allah Almighty, You do not consider Allah as separate from Hazrat Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihee Wassallam . Bahu (Rahmatullah Alaihi) Fanaa Fi Hu (Destroyed in Hu), son of Bazaid Rahmatullah Alaihi , surname A’waan, resident of Qila Shor Kot, is giving explanation of the Ilm of Tassawuf in the light of the Holy Quran and Tafseer (Exegesis) and is Inwardly giving the teachings of the Enlightenment, who, in the era of Hazrat Muheyyudin king Aurangzeb Alamgir, is aware of every Course and conditions (Ahwaal) from the Sustainer of Worlds - the Everlasting Sustainer and who is the sharer out of beneficence on the Aashiqeen that are with Mast dispositions (Haal)!
Book No: 13 2.68 MB. Pages:  52

Anul Arfien

Anul Arfien (aa)
عين العارفين
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: That person, who has no Murshid as guide for him, This book is sufficient for him as a guide to God, always keep the People of Deen (the Doctrine of Faith) in your study, you will become the Arif Fi Allah Haq ul Yaqeen
Book No: 14 2.16 MB. Pages:  53

Dewane Bahu ®

Dewane Bahu � (dwb)
ديوان باهو
English Persian Urdu

Description: This book contains poetical works and poetry in Persian of hazrat sultan bahu rahmatullah alaihi which he wrote in Persian. It contains couplets which he has written in love for Allah almighty and the holy prophet sall allahu alaihi wa alalihi wasallam etcetera.
Book No: 15 1.73 MB. Pages:  59

Muftahul Arfien

Muftahul Arfien (mfa)
مفتاح العارفين
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: A few lines have been written (by me), in the light of the Authentic Text and Hadis and the and Stations of the Arif-Bi-Allah and the Maratib of the Faqeer Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destroyed in Allah) and the Selk-Salook, for getting the honor of the Ism e Allah Zaat (Name Allah the Essence) and for entering in the Majlis of Hazrat Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihee Wassallam; so that the Salikeen (wayfarers) can become knowledgeable about the Course of Tareeq of Tahqeeq, the Tareeq of Zandeeq (atheist), Shirk (Polytheism), Kufr, Bidat, Sarood (music and melody), Physical features, worshiping (adoring) gorgeousness, the melody of the minstrel, wine server, Ananiyat (egotism), ravenousness and desires, Masti and Istadraaj because the Ism e Allah Zaat (Name Allah the Essence) is the eternal and everlasting Key of the Haqeeqat.
Book No: 16 2.28 MB. Pages:   68

Tofiqe Hadiat

Tofiqe Hadiat (th)
توفيق الهدايت
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: O Dervish! Be wise and advised that he, who will study this book with genuineness and certainty, (I) swear upon Allah Almighty and His Prophet Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihee Wassallam, that the reader of this book will become La Yahtaaj (self sufficient)! My this book that is full of Secrets and Mysteries is complete now. That person, who will study it, will [certainly] find Secret and will understand the Marifat of Tauheed with just one Nukta.
Book No: 17 3.62 MB. Pages:  70

Qalide Janat

Qalide Janat (kj)
کليد جنت
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: That person, who will study this book and will act upon it, he will become Arif-Bi-Allah and the Master of Taufeeq and he will always be honored with the Majlis of Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihee Wassallam and the Arwah of the entire Aulia Rahmatullahi Ta’ala Alaihim Ajmaeen and Messengers Alaihimas-Salaam will meet him and nothing of the Outward and the unseen will remain hidden and covered for him. If the Nafs of a person is defiant and is full of greed and desire and friendlier with Satan and has no power and ability and is leading a hand to mouth life then he should study this book as this book is the treasure of the Deen (the Doctrine of Faith) (and) every Outwardly and Inwardly treasure can be found from it
Book No: 18 4.53 MB. Pages:  74

Qurbay Dedar

Qurbay Dedar (qd)
قرب ديدار
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: Every that person, who will make the study of this book his Waseela, for him this study will work as a Waseela for the Inwardly Didaar, the Marifat of Noor and for the honor of the Qurb of Hazoor. That person, who will read it in this way with genuineness, he will not be left with need of Initiation (Bai’at) on hand, Talqeen and the Irshaad of physically existing Murshid. This book is the compilation of the list of contents of the “Rasool ul Qutab, the Qutab ul Aqtaab, the discerner between the Haq (Truth) and Baatil (Falsity), the correct complete answer as advice, the kernel of Marifat and Faqar, concise Hidayat and the Visualization of the Ism e Allah Zaat (Name Allah the Essence). Through reading, it with voice, the real Noor of the Essence and seeing the extraordinary Special Tajalliyaat (Self-Disclosures) and the real Taufeeq of the Qurb of Haq is attained.
Book No: 19 3.81 MB. Pages:  75

Fazalul Laqa

Fazalul Laqa (fl)
فض اللقا
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: this Risala (small book) has been given the name “Fazal ul Liqaa.” The title of the “Ayan ul Faqar” has been given to this Risala because the study of a day of this Risala is better than the Riyazat of hundred years! This is because of the reason that the Station of Sirr is achieved through Riyazat whereas through its study is achieved the complete Marifat and the Kaamil (Perfect) Wahdat.
Book No: 20 3.70 MB. Pages:   79

Asrarul Qadri

Asrarul Qadri (aq)
اسرار القا د ري
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: this book is “Asraar ul Qadiri” and it has been given the Title of “Jamey ul Jamiyat” (comprehensive stability). It contains complete Message, Ilhaam Mala Kalaam, Ilm Uloom, customs and practice and the Ilm Uloom of Luduni the Hayyu (The Alive) the Qayyum (The Self-Subsisting) are mentioned so that every Seeker of the Lord may get Ilm and light!
Book No: 21 4.67 MB. Pages:  85 9.

Jamiaul Asrar

Jamiaul Asrar (ja)
جا مع الاسرار
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: When you see that some Murshid is unable to unlock the Secret, then you should follow this book because this book is Murshid in the Outward and Inward and is the Hidayat of the Lord.
Book No: 23 5.42 MB. Pages:  114

Amerul konan

Amerul konan (amk)
امير الکو نين
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: This book the ‘Emir ul Konain’, pertaining to the Tassawuf, is the Tafseer (Exegesis) with Effectiveness of the Holy Quran with the study of which the man becomes Roshan Zamir (with Enlightened Conscience). The Tassaruf of the treasures of the world and the complete grant of the Lord is received in the Outward and the Tassaruf of the Marifat and Hidayat of the Lord is received in Inward. It’s every page is a treasure and the Akseer of munificence is the maker of gold, he, who reads it with Yaqeen, he has no worry, The Seeker becomes Roshan Zamir (with Enlightened Conscience) through studying this book and he studies the Loh-e-Mahfooz from where he comes to know about the good and bad Ahwaal of people.
Book No: 24 9.56 MB. Pages:  191

Aqal Badar

Aqal Badar (ab)
عقل بيدار
English Persian Urdu

Description: This book [Aqal Baidaar] is, exactly a model of Mercy and the Faiz (beneficence) of the Fazal (Grace and bounty) of the Lord because this book is from God and its relation is with God. It is as if is a donation of my Lord for the Seekers of Allah. That person, who will study this book completely, no doubt, he will turn a Muslim even if he is a Kaafir, Jew or a Christian; and if he is a Dead Hearted, he will get the life of the heart and will reach to the Hazoor of the Essence and will become the Master of insight and will restrain from Shirk (Polytheism), Kufr and vindictiveness. This matchless book is not liked by damned, unblessed, unwise and that person, who has the poor predestination. Through this book, the Ilm of the Tassaruf of the destiny of the treasures of the Lord is gained. The fact is being described by Faqeer (Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi) with Tahqeeq and grants and shows with Taufeeq. The Master of wisdom (Sahib e Danish) always finds these (treasures of the Lord) but the unwise roams about just with the desire of bread and fame..
Book No: 25 8.15 MB. Pages:  194

Anul Faqar

Anul Faqar (anf)
عين الفقر
English Persian Urdu

Description: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: The complete description of the Nukaat e Wahdat has been fully described in this book. Be informed that: this book has been titled “Ain ul Faqar” [so that] it may give tremendous profit to, each and all, the Seekers of God and the Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destroyed in Allah) Faqeers - the beginners, of mid level and of the Utmost and it may keep then firm on the Tareeq of the Beaten Path (Straight Path) and they may get the Ilm ul Yaqeen, Ain ul Yaqeen and Haq ul Yaqeen and that it may grant them the right of their Share of Affinity (and Attachment).
Book No: 26 11.7 MB. Pages:  237

Mhikal Faqar Qalan

Mhikal Faqar Qalan (mkq)
محک الفقر کلان
English Persian Urdu

Description: 1. Hence, that person, who will always keep this volume [of book] in study [and act upon it] and reads it with great Zeal and Fervor and reads it with unlimited Purity of Qalb, it is sure that he will avail the Hazoori of the Holy Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam [which is better than the worship of millions of years and is perfect Martaba of Faqar] and he will become of those who have become Waasil with Haq after becoming immersed in the Tauheed of Lord. [No other Faqar is there than this]. 2. That person, who reads this book [Muhik ul Faqar] for the sake of Allah Almighty, The Majlis of Mustafa Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam is got by him, 3. ABYAAT (COUPLETS) He, who has no Murshid or Guide of the way, For him, this one book is just sufficient for guidance, Read it continuously day and night, So that you may become Arif Bi Allah and Haq forever.
Book No: 27 25.0 MB. Pages:  423


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